What, you don't like my stinkhorn in full bloom? Well, it's not for you. It's for my new blog friend Lynne, who is a fellow foraging fungi-nerd and, like me, loves nothing better than taking photos of the gorgeous things, edible or not. (I am glad I am not the only person in the world who shuffles about on their knees on the woodland floor, trying to get the perfect shot of a pretty toadstool pin-up). She missed seeing hers in this state, which is, believe it or not, about as perfect as a Stinkhorn can be. I find it quite beautiful.
I am sure my last few posts sound as if I have been doing nothing but gallivant about the countryside, making wine and living the Good Life. It is true that the weather has been so lovely after a miserable summer, (and winter about to descend) that whenever Andy has had a day off we have packed our rucksack and headed off to a nice footpath. But I have also been trying to catch up with needle felt orders - including Steph's poor monkey- no longer torso-less and with his head jointed so that it can turn gently.

...growing alarmingly in size, (his trunk is about the size of a medium aubergine) and awaiting new wool to arrive, so that I can finish his limbs and put a nice pot belly on him. In the meantime, I am also up my neck with the Gallery batch - there are six toy sculptures and 4 paintings to be finished with a rapidly looming deadline. Three toys down, three to go. Paintings - erm - still at the planning stage. Blue is the third one to be finished - the others are a bit shy, I'll persuade them to come out later.

WINE UPDATE (from previous post) - it smells alright, and I wanged another load of sugar in, which sent the yeast crazy, like teenage girls at a pop concert. Still smelling like wine. So far so good.